Behavioral Neuroscience Major

Behavioral neuroscience sits at the intersection of psychology and biology and studies the biological mechanisms of how the brain senses and perceives the environment, stores and retrieves memories, generates emotions, controls behavior, and produces consciousness. The major in behavioral neuroscience is excellent preparation for advanced degrees and careers in the health professions; behavioral, cognitive or affective neuroscience; experimental psychology; clinical neuropsychology; pharmacology and related areas.

The interdisciplinary major in Behavioral Neuroscience has 5 main learning objectives:

  1. To provide foundational knowledge in Behavioral Neuroscience and related fields (e.g., Psychology, Biology, and Chemistry).
    This is accomplished with introductory course work in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, and complementary foundational coursework in the Departments of Biology and Chemistry and Biochemistry.
  2. To build skills in statistical analysis and research methods required to conduct and understand behavioral neuroscience research.
    All students will complete courses in Statistics and Research Methods, as well as a number of lab courses, to develop these skills. In advanced courses, students will read and analyze primary research articles and engage in scientific writing. Students may also participate in faculty-led or independent research projects.
  3. To develop effective communication skills orally and in writing.
    Students will write lab and research reports in required courses across disciplines, and will refine oral and written communication in advanced courses, seminars, and/or research experiences.
  4. To produce ethically responsible students.
    Students will complete ethical training as part of Research Methods and Supervised Research covering topics essential to understand responsible research conduct and professionalism.
  5. To develop students’ abilities to synthesize knowledge by thinking critically and independently.
    Students will use the foundational knowledge acquired in introductory courses to make connections across fields, as they critically analyze and present research in advanced courses, seminars, and/or research experiences.

For a 63-credit major in Behavioral Neuroscience, students complete the following: