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Licensed Midwives are individuals licensed to practice midwifery. A midwife may attend cases of normal pregnancy and childbirth, provide prenatal, intrapartum, and postpartum care.

Attention! —We are seeking applications from interested parties to fill one public member position on the Midwifery Advisory Council (MAC). The vacant position will serve a three-year term that will run through June 30, 2027. Vacancy Letter - Member Application

Information pertaining to the practice of midwifery

Summary of the Licensed Midwifery Practice Act

The Midwifery Practice Act specifies the requirements for licensure and the scope of practice for a licensed midwife. Assembly Bill 1308 (Bonilla, Chapter 665, Statutes of 2013) made significant amendments to various Business and Professions Code sections governing the practice of midwifery in California. The changes became effective January 1, 2014. The law provides that:

Normal Pregnancy / Required Referrals / Transfer of Care

Mandatory Disclosure

A licensed midwife must disclose to a prospective client, both orally and in writing, and obtain the client's informed consent for all of the following:

Licensed Midwife Annual Report


The Board may suspend, revoke, or place on probation the license of a licensed midwife, or take other appropriate disciplinary action for any of the following:

Prenatal and Postpartum Care

Effective July 1, 2019, AB 2193 (Maienschein, Chapter 755) requires a licensed midwife, providing prenatal or postpartum care to a patient, to offer screening or ensure the mother is appropriately screened for maternal mental health conditions. A maternal mental health condition, as defined in Health and Safety Code (HSC) section 123640, is an ailment that occurs during pregnancy or during the postpartum period and includes, but is not limited to, postpartum depression.

The law authorizes the Board to take disciplinary action against a midwife for violation of this act, including issuance of a citation and fine.

Midwife Assistants Ordering Public Documents

If enforcement or disciplinary action has been taken against an individual's license or registration by the Board, the public documents related to the action are available and posted on the Board's website.

Enforcement Program/Investigations Sunset Review Report Midwifery Advisory Council Laws/Regulations General Practice Information for Midwives Notice to Consumers Regulations (Business & Professions Code section 2026)

Per Business and Professions Code section 2026, beginning January 1, 2023, all licensees and registrants of the Board must provide notice to each patient or client that they are licensed/registered and regulated by the Board, and their license/registration can be checked and complaints against the licensee/registrant can be made through the Board's website or by contacting the Board.