Linear Algebra and Its Applications

Renowned professor and author Gilbert Strang demonstrates that linear algebra is a fascinating subject by showing both its beauty and value. While the mathematics is there, the effort is not all concentrated on proofs. Strang's emphasis is on understanding. He explains concepts, rather than deduces. This book is written in an informal and personal style and teaches real mathematics. The gears change in Chapter 2 as students reach the introduction of vector spaces. Throughout the book, the theory is motivated and reinforced by genuine applications, allowing pure mathematicians to teach applied mathematics.

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Linear Algebra and Its Applications
Gilbert Strang
Недоступно для просмотра - 1998

Об авторе (2006)

Gilbert Strang is a professor of mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where his research focuses on analysis, linear algebra and PDEs. In addition, he is the author of many textbooks and his service to the mathematics community is extensive, having spent time as President of SIAM, Chair of the Joint Policy Board for Mathematics as well as membership of various other committees and boards. The awards that Professor Strang has received for his research and teaching include the Chauvenet Prize (1976), the Award for Distinguished Service (SIAM, 2003), the Graduate School Teaching Award (MIT, 2003) and the Von Neumann Prize Medal of the US Association for Computational Mechanics (2005), among others. He is a Member of the National Academy of Sciences, a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and an Honorary Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford.

Библиографические данные

Название Linear Algebra and Its Applications
Автор Gilbert Strang
Издание: 4, иллюстрированное
Издатель Thomson, Brooks/Cole, 2006
ISBN 0534422004, 9780534422004
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 487
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